Life is the Way You Make It

This year I started a new songwriting routine – I take my coffee and my laptop into my tiny basement studio, and work on songwriting for 30-40 minutes before I leave for work at 7 am. I’m not writing and recording and posting a song a week like I used to, but a surprising amount of writing is actually happening. I recently did a batch recording session of four songs I wrote in March and April, and today I uploaded one to my Youtube channel. More to come as time allows!

This one was written for my daughter.

Beautiful girl don’t be afraid of this world
This solid ground that keeps on spinning you around
In spite of what you might be told you should know
Nobody ever gets everything figured out

Life is the way you make it
Love is a road, I hope you take it
Wherever it keeps leading your courageous heart

Bold brilliant woman you break through like the dawn
Lighting the room with your inventive energy
Calming your anxious thoughts with your steadfast soul
Finding the words that tell the truth and set you free

Life is the way you make it
Love is a road, I hope you take it
Wherever it keeps leading your courageous heart

Climb on amazing human precious and tough
Don’t let them tell you it’s all over when you fall
You’ve learned the ropes so you know one’s not enough
To meet all the challenges and joys up on the wall

Life is the way you make it
Love is a road, I hope you take it
Wherever it keeps leading your courageous heart


  1. SO very precious – this captures your own story so well and even more your daughter’s! The personality traits and climbing references are so personal and powerful. It’s a great piece of work!

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